Wednesday, December 28, 2022

elegy for a chair.

A respected evangelist pointed out that she didnt want to have to go to garage sales her whole life, that in order to find necessities pennies on the dollar.

That said, we all know some people that rather enjoy that kind of bargain hunting, hence the adage, "one man's trash is another's treasure".

But i was thinking.  Id maybe like a new chair, but what i really appreciate a new chair?  In reslity, id probably walk by it without noticing it, but in my imagining daydreaming of that wish, itd bring joy, the family would stand around it singing joyously.

Imagine the whoopie cushion sound of tired mike flopping down onto the new chair.

I question how much id appreciate a new chair, and in fact, if i was going to be dubious about gratitude, then certainly id expect the universe itself to be skeptical of my wish.

A Harrison-Baldwin, got at a good deal, but then a 500 humidifier.  Then we realized the temperature wasnt controlled every day in the room.  1100 for wiring for the humidifier which had to be plugged in, but no everyday climate control, because it was thought to be too expensive.  So the humidifier is essentially useless.

We contest and fight the good fight of faith.  By God, an effort was given.  Only the failures, mine and the glories, to God alone.

We try and we go for a new flashy set of violin strings, or a fancy shoshana for the Harrison-Baldwin.

To live then is to contest: the good fight of faith.  Christ makes one think few would really hit the mark; of simplicity, some imply impossibilty, where its maybe just one prescribed path.  Oh ask hundreds of millions of people bygone.

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