Sunday, May 7, 2023

The mantra of the core of the Gospel. Love, hope and peace, to those added mercy and knowledge.

I had a mantra.  "God is love, hope and peace."

Christ tells the young man that the chief commandment is to love God.

Paul tells us Christ is literally our hope in glory.

Paul later says Christ is peace that surpass understanding.

We can add to the secret sauce of the Gospel: knowledge and mercy.

Paul also says the knowledge of God surpasses understanding, and in the book of Romans, he more than makes the case that we have received grace in the form of very undeserved mercy, indeed, "the bowels of mercy".

God is so good.

That knowledge, and particularly knowledge of God's mercy, is part of that "mystery of the Gospel".  

Imagine it, Christ as the Divine word, and belief part of "knowledge".  Part of the active faith then, is not just living a life of outward love, as in works, but in the meditative, contemplative reverie of receiving that love, hope, peace and mercy, translating that into a head knowledge, from just a heart feeling.  In the sense of bringing it into our minds, into the natural world, God's supernatural spirit, we open the opportunity for Satan to corrupt, but we also have it translate like a TV dinner of spirituality for others, a newspaper of Christ, we are but transmitters of the Gospel, and the Gospel is love, hope, peace, mercy and knowledge.

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