Monday, August 7, 2023

Futhering the Gospel of hope, faith and love.

"Be ye circumspect, for the days are filled with evil."  

Are we not compassed on all sides, hermanos, and that makes the common faith we share all the better, the love of God, all the sweeter.

And conspicuously, actually thinking of monetizing somehow, but that doesn't ring true; it must be some kind of heresy.  I tend to mistrust monetary transactions, the passing of money, and that mistrust carries over even into ministry.

As Christ said in paraphrase, only the shirt on your back, and the shoes on your feet, do we go into the world for the faith.  It's a romantic notion later carried to the extremes by the desert fathers, the ascetics that hid from the world, but we my brothers and sisters, are called to another way, for the furtherance of the Gospel.

That we love our friends and neighbors so much that we want to share this wonderful Gospel with them, the life-improving message of faith, love and hope.

And now, my head on straight, I cringe when I think of prior thoughts of money.

From Acts 17 or so, "these are the men who have shook the world, and now they have come here!"  Paul and Silas, trying to give hope to the hopeless and bring the message of faith in Jesus Christ.


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