Wednesday, October 18, 2023

about Apologetics, and the so-called concept of the Church Of Past Mistakes.

Well.  I believe in YHWH, the almighty monotheistic deity, the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.

But they tell me, maybe, to prove it, and don't we always get caught in some labyrinth trying to pull signs and wonders and so forth from news reports and what not.

What if I asked, instead of openly trying to change the mind of the non-believer, what if I asked them to disprove God?

What would follow, I would have a chance to address their proofs, through sound doctrine, as to what points to God.  I mean, really, as a believer, it seems to me all the time that pretty much everything points to the existence of God.

Even discussing the matter, taking the time itself to contemplate the existence of God is a form of due diligence, kind of like, me washing God's car for him, or something: just another opportunity to give more praise to my maker.

But however, there are these scholarly debates, people jumping over themselves.  It bothers, or seems to bother, some non-believers, to see people attending church.

What about practicing love and tolerance?

Aside from laws, what do they have?  Political talking points?  A few words from a parent from their youth?

Indeed, the believer has a root system holding him or her firmly in place.

We hear fools arguing the past evils of the Catholic church, various episodes of intolerance, but we have seen it also from other institutions in the past, as well, just like the statues that get torn down, dismantled, of past heroes, that are branded things these days.

We here embraced a hopeful future, rather than look back disheartened and the past mistakes of others: we're taught to discard that, that God's grace covers a multitude of sins, and hope, salvation, is available to many. 

Indeed, just as we "come forward boldly to throne of grace", we step with a sense of hope, peace and joy towards the future.

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