Saturday, October 7, 2023

Psalm 116 and other from the daily readings, and the weather spoke up to me...

I love the LORD because he has heard

my appeal for mercy.

Because he has turned his ear to me,

I will call out to him as long as I live.

-Psalm 116:1-2 


A sure sign from the Lord, a brief sprinkle on the local plant life, as I prayed over a personal situation here at the hill.  The sprinkle came and went, then did it all over again, giving the plants a brief feeding of nourishing rain water.

Meanwhile, on the northern horizon I saw blue sky, even in the midst of overhead rain clouds.  Truly, forces larger than I were at work, and having their way.

I continued to pray, and included some friends, various types, in various states of worry and even joy.  Some addicted, some downhearted, others doing perfectly okay.

Sure, I am, that everything will come together as God wills it, and sure am I also that he will not ignore the petitions of those who believe on Him.


I pursue as my goal the prize promised by God’s heavenly call in Christ Jesus.

Therefore, let all of us who are mature think this way. And if you think differently about anything, God will reveal this also to you.

In any case, we should live up to whatever truth we have attained.

-from Philippians 3

The book of Philippians stands as a book where Paul defends himself, and speaks up for the case of suffering.  He states that he has a cause and hope, and in life, when we have love and hope, often not much else matters.  Paul defies circumstances and stands content in the Good News.  His faith in God and Jesus sustain a kind of level of joy in him, despite physical illness, or other circumstances.

In my own walk, my faith has done the same for me: it's pulled my spirit away from the present conditions, and made me think of only God.  Then I am stronger, happier, and all-around more of a good believer, who is useful and happy.

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