Saturday, June 1, 2024

Our Home In Glory.

 Our home in glory: we might be told by a mystic that the "home in glory" is something of a perfected, sanctified perspective in one's mind, which we approach and reach towards in Religious Practice(a verboten concept today in some circles) in the respect that the body and mind are a temple, and the temple contained the glory of God.

The reprobate, sin nature, darkened heart of a person can be like a "high wall in his or her own imagination", the same way the Temple was protected by a high wall--it works against us, containing us by keeping us mindful of our own sin nature, keeping us close to it, that not being penitent or wanting to change, necessarily, but maybe mindful enough of the sin nature, to whatever extent, to keep it going through wants and imaginings that manifest in a person's own daily outward life, our "guiles and intrigues", our dissipations and tendency towards sin in the ongoing.

We reach for heaven, and the best of our intentions is to maximize the beneficial and omit the worst of our impulses--for we know He forgives us and loves us still.  Indeed, he is aware of all of our worst impulses, and loves us still; he saw our worst, and loves us best, still.

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