Friday, June 21, 2024

Spiting the polo shirt from Human Resources, and the tether that holds the man to all.

 Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her.  

-Proswerbs 4:8

“A generous person will be prosperous, and one who gives others plenty of water will himself be given plenty."

Proverbs 11:25

Adner Salvo was a tiny part of a large machine: a major soda vendor, a worldwide corporate juggernaut with a much-loved product, but Adner of course, had a menial part of that, such without reputation and glory, as to work the warehouse section of the bottling plant--spending hours on end minding a pallet truck, tooting his airhorn at passageways, and with that weird yellow caution lamp blipping in spasm.

In the corporate milee, one could lose perspective, or lose one's place, with corporate mantra's and silly morale-boosting meetings, with at least one Human Resources degree in the crowd barking like a fool in the name of the bottom line.  "I did my job", they could say, but did the lose track of some fundamental part of their humanity in the process?  What was the hourly worth, really, in the long run, if one was miserable all along?

He was holding for acreage, a legacy, plugging away his time either miserable or half-miserable in a satirical leer, as he tried to earn a down payment on a nest egg.  


Something that tied his progeny to the earth, a mighty tether, a willing yoke that a man wears to let the world know he was there: a tangible asset, such that it's taxed annually, titled and surveyed, a matter of record tied to the man's name.


And yet, on the low-end of the corporate spectrum one could lose perspective, one could lose meaning, no matter how many polo shirt Master's Degrees tried to spread mirth before the lowest level of the rung--

--that tether could come loose if one didn't maintain an objective truth, like God and His son, the truth of the third day and the promise of the return.  Not people you have to ask who or what they are, or people who make curiosity an evil self-immolating concept.

God is wisdom, love, and mercy, and He upbraideth not--and His son?  His burden is light, he says, and his yoke easy, even as he bears the entire fate of mankind on one appears to be human shoulders--with human temptations and lapses of emotion--made sin, the sinless, and finished good, for a time later appointed to return when all are one.

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