Tuesday, July 23, 2024

One way of labelling the majority of Christ's message from Matthew 5-7: "The Narrow Way".

The elegance of the Gospel was/is immediately recognizable; it transcends human understanding, so we are thus without excuse to claim "it was incomprehensible", "I did not understand"--the Gospel’s grace is evident at first glance; it goes beyond what the mind can grasp, leaving no room for claims of obscurity or misunderstanding  It is of the spirit, and thus it is discerned by the spirit.  As the Apostle said, "we did not come to you with yay, yay and nay, nay", they brought the truth that surpasses the human condition, while being the only hope for the human condition-- it remains the sole beacon of hope for humanity.

 When I find myself at the twelve gates, it is said by Christ to be narrow and straight: difficult, but not impossible.  Such is the distinction between simple and easy. What is readily apparent, and handily understood, may be yet more difficult to accomplish.  Such was the multiplicative applied to human standards, and the standards of the Lord: they struggled to understand forgiving once, but then he urged them on, again and again, until the very limits of human natural understanding was seven times, forgiving one's brother for a slight.  But it was seventy times seven that he told them, boggling minds that had been shaped by the culture of their time.

 The Narrow Way, as outlined by Christ, enumerated in the middle chapters of the Gospels, is the core of the good news for mankind.

 Thus, it may be found from time to time, that I refer to the methods and means of Christ on the site here as "the narrow way". 

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