Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Inconstancy and sinlessness in name only.

Those that hold the law, have committed to its precepts, are made to no effect, save only that they hold themselves to the whole law, under obligation—the unstable man is froward in all his ways. -Galatians 5:3(paraphrase)

That which you see to, in turn, see to well, with the entire being. -1 Corinthians(paraphrase)

Rather than picking and choosing, remain true to principles. 

Constance. Fidelity.

If thou would the law hold, then hold well, hold fast and stay true the course.

However, yet again possess we a living God, regenerate, and the Holy Bible, immutable--not as step by step in mapping specific steps towards and into heaven, or "how to impress God".  To wit, "no, not one, for all have sinned-all have fallen short of the glory of God".  Good luck, such at it is, keeping pieces of the Law of Moses, against hope--thinking to have lived sans blemish.

Condemnations relinquished assert our own glory and show the world a type and shadow of God's own love.

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